Room In the Inn

Love Your Neighbor Y'all Campaign

Since 2008, Delevante has worked with the nonprofit Room In The Inn, Nashville’s only single-site of services for neighbors experiencing homelessness. Our team helped Room In The Inn establish its brand identity, develop extensive fundraising and marketing materials, promote volunteer and community engagement, and manage a capital campaign that raised millions of dollars for a new downtown campus.


Room In The Inn opened the doors of that new campus in 2010, and in the years since, has closely collaborated with Delevante to build upon this success. In 2016, we introduced the Love Your Neighbor, Y’all theme for the organization’s annual fundraising campaign.

The carefully orchestrated, integrated campaign—which has been replicated each year since with a revisioning of the art and design—always extends through the annual Big Payback event, during which Room In The Inn shows its love to supportive neighbors throughout the entire community.

Whether blanketing the city with affirming yard signs or gifting community partners, Room In The Inn demonstrates the power of peace, love, and understanding, and Delevante is grateful to help make possible this life-changing work.