Room In the Inn

Brand Identity + Creative Services

Our team established Room In The Inn’s brand identity and, for more than 15 years, has created extensive education and marketing materials; promoted volunteer and community engagement in myriad applications; and developed campaigns to raise millions of dollars to build and expand the downtown campus and to grow affordable housing options and support services.

Room In The Inn’s capacity to serve has grown exponentially as a result of their tremendous increase in support from donors, volunteers, and community partners. From 2010 to 2024, the number of meals served annually has increased from 8,000 to more than 40,500, and there are now 48 affordable apartment units at the downtown campus!

Special Event

In 2016, we introduced the Love Your Neighbor, Y’all theme for the organization’s annual fundraising campaign. The integrated campaign has been replicated each year since with are visioning of the art and design and, ultimately, Love Your Neighbor, Y’all has become the organization’s rally cry and iconic visual expression.

Room In The Inn demonstrates the power of peace, love, and understanding, and Delevante is grateful to help make possible this life-changing work.

As Room In The Inn's strategic partner and creative contributor, we are honored to have influenced this growth. From 2010 to 2024, their mailing list has grown by 53%, annual individual giving has increased by 366%, and their social media following has grown by a whopping 2,017%.

In 2024, Delevante partnered with Vanderbilt University Press, the Strobel family, and Room In The Inn to promote founder Charles Strobel’s posthumous memoir, The Kingdom of the Poor. From developing the campaign positioning, narrative, and art direction, to designing book launch event materials, digital campaign assets, merchandise, study guides, and more, it was an honor to support the effort – and a thrill to track the book’s unprecedented success.