Harding Academy

Rebrand + Collateral

Delevante’s work with Harding Academy well-demonstrates the advantage of immersive strategic engagement from the beginning, to implementation, and through ongoing creative support.


From the outset, our team engaged with school administration, faculty and staff, parents, and alumni—in interviews and strategic group sessions—to identify the independent school’s greatest challenges and desires related to communications and community engagement, student recruitment and retention, and fundraising.

Together, we set goals to elevate the brand identity to reflect the school’s status amongst the best independent schools in the nation, to organize and bring consistency to the communications program across design and messaging, and to execute real change across the school’s vast array of touch points.

Our collaboration with Harding Academy led to intentional, consistent, and audience-centric communications built upon refined brand elements, including: a visual toolbox and comprehensive brand guidelines and the design overhaul of the school’s website, view book, annual magazine, email system, signage, athletic uniforms, and variety of advertising, fundraising, and marketing materials. Delevante has continue to concept, design, and provide writing and editing services for Excellentia, Harding’s magazine, every year since 2016.